An original role-play that takes place in a modern setting where magic is dying. The characters are all descendants of five supernatural Bloodlines. Literate & Active drivers only, please.
Game Masters:
This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Bloodlines?. Anything posted here will also show up there.Topic Tags:
Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Bloodlines"
You may edit this first post as you see fit.
alxxxjames - Member for 0 years
Hi loves.
So I'm tired, but I read the entire intro. You guys did an AMAZING job! :)
I won't be able to type up a character or anything until late tomorrow, and I probably won't finish it because I have work super early on Saturday, but that night I'll have time! Just filling you in! :)
So anyways, enough rambling. I want the FC of Lyndsey Fonseca and her Bloodline to be The Evincal (Dragon-Born). Will begin her tomorrow night, I've already got tons of ideas floating in my head! :D
ilikepurplezebras - Member for 0 years
Hey everyone who winds up here! Some of you may already know me, but I'm throne, the co-GM of the role-play beside alxxxjames. I know there's a decent chunk of lore involved in getting started, but please don't be intimidated. Feel free to post any questions or concerns you might have in that regard here, or PM them to me if you'd like (I have no problem whatsoever with random PMs), and I'll try to get you an answer as quickly as possible!
Look forward to playing with you all!
Exclamation point!
Edit: I have no idea if I'll be able to edit the Intro page, and Alex went to bed, but any reservations can be considered accepted in the order that they're received.
throne - Member for 0 years
Well this looks fun. And ilikepurplezebras, I love your signature gifs.
StitchSaysHi - Member for 0 years
Can I reserve a character? With face claim Blake Lively, and she's spirit-touched?

I love you, Olan Rogers!
LoveTheLight - Member for 0 years
Hey Alex and Throne! ^_^
May I reserve a The Evincal (Dragon-Born) bloodline with the face claim of Amber Heard ? (: Please and thank you.
Sorella - Member for 3 years
Just sent in my character, hope you like!
LoveTheLight - Member for 0 years
I have to say this quite unexpectedly caught my interest, guys. ^^ I commend you. Haha. I'll be PM'ing Alex with my request for a reservation. ^^
Oh, just for good measures... Alex, Throney, Ashy, Stitchy! HAIII! =D Haha. Looks like advertisement helps. Although, I do believe the small amount of participants so far will be an issue. O.o Considering how many spots there are to fill.
Life consists of choices. If you wish to change your life, all you have to do, is choose to...-
Mela - Member for 0 years
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