Prior to the Second World War most people in most countries used natural products each day for most things. People kept a few chickens in the garden and grew a few vegetables. If they could not, they bought fresh vegetables, but normally baked their own bread. There were fresh food markets all over town.
Although tinned food has been with us for 200 years, until 50-60 years ago, food in cannisters or cans, was thought to be more fit for military personnel, than for civilians.
The military consumed food from cans because it was easier to transport, removed their reliance on friendly natives, removed the need to forage and was quicker, because the food could be precooked in huge batches.
Civilians did not need cans because women stayed at home, families were extended and there was plenty of time to cook. The Second World War altered all that, Men went to war and women went to the factories and fields and tins became ?fit for civilian consumption?.
More powerful and more effective marketing kept it that way and in the Seventies and Eighties, the mass food producers? dream , a generation did not learn how to cook and they cannot teach their children how to cook because they do not know how themselves.
Nowadays. young people are hooked on cans and frozen meals that are full of sugar, salt. and preservatives However, some people are seeing the errors that were made and are still being made by depending on processed food. There is a colossal attempt to re-educate
However, this does not just apply to food, but also to health and beauty products in general, although good food is still the best health and beauty product you can get. Fresh food and natural products will keep you hair, skin and eyes shiny, supple and bright,
Fruit is healthy for your skin; particularly apricots, bananas and avocados mashed up with a little olive oil. The inside of banana skins will treat many minor skin problems, but aloe vera is brilliant for healthy and unhealthy skin. The jelly inside the leaves of the aloe vera can be rubbed on the skin neat. These foods, or some of them, will grow in lots of places.
Honey has been used for centuries both on skin and the hair as has olive oil and the two can be blended together, applied to skin on any part of the body; left to do its work of cleansing and decontaminating for a time and then washed off. When treating the skin, do not neglect the scalp. Tea tree oil is a strong disinfectant for cuts and blisters.
Hair can be treated with egg albumen, vinegar, real ale and camomile. They make healthy tonics for hair before you wash it with a gentle shampoo. Camomile may be applied after shampooing as may any tea. Some remedies are better for certain colours of hair, which you can check easily on the Web
Eyes can be bathed in salt water to remove dust and airborne pollutants. Slices of cucumber have long been utilized to relieve weary eyes..
It is fun to find out about, prepare and use natural health care products for your skin and hair and in most cases it is cheaper than using shop-bought extracts mixed with preservative chemicals and they are less likely to result in an allergic reaction as well.
Owen Jones, the author of this piece, writes on many subjects, but is at present involved with hair tonic for hair growth. If you have an interest in hair loss, please go to our web site now at What is the Best Hair Regrowth Product?

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